Then God said, "Let the land
produce vegetation: seed‑bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit
with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The
land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees
bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was
good. Genesis 1: 11 ‑ 12
My garden is growing pretty well so far. I planted some seedlings sooner this year than last year, for obvious reasons. For centuries farmers have taken cues for planting times from
natural phenomena such as bird and animal migration, the emergence of insects
and amphibians, and the flowering of native plants. Watching for natural
indicators are called "phenology", which is from the Greek word for
the" science of appearances". Some fairly reliable conclusions have
been made by observations made over many years. Trees, shrubs and flowers are
sensitive to temperature and day length and develop on a regular schedule based
on local conditions.While not totally foolproof, following nature’s clock helps us tune in to the rhythm of life around us. It only makes sense to use them as
indicators of when the weather is right for planting. Here are examples of following natures lead. Here are some of those signs. Be careful for unexpected frost thou.
Blooming crocus are your cue to
plant radishes, parsnips and spinach.

Look for dandelions to bloom before planting potatoes.
Perennials can be planted when the
maple trees begin to leaf out.
When quince is blossoming, you can
transplant cabbage and broccoli.
Wait for apple trees to bloom before
planting bush beans.
When the apple blossoms fall, be
sure to plant pole beans and cucumbers.
By the time the lilacs are in full
bloom it will be safe to plant tender annual flowers and squashes. You can
transplant tomatoes when lily-of-the-valley is in full flower.
Full-sized maple leaves signal time
to plant morning glory seeds.
Peppers and eggplant can be
transplanted when the irises are blooming.
When peonies blossom it is safe to
plant heat-loving melons.
Until next time……