You can grow blueberries, pick them or find them at
the market. Blueberries are easy to freeze. Anyone can do it. Blueberries are
super nutritious and help your memory. I have a bush that I planted over 3
years ago. It is just now starting to
produce a good crop. If you do wish to
grow blueberries, all you have to do is keep them weeded—which is fairly easy
as they shade their own soil. If birds become a problem cover the bushes to
protect them with netting. For picking I use a yogurt
container with a string attached to hang around my neck. This allows you to have
both hands free for easy access to the berries.
I place other
containers nearby to dump the berries as the yogurt one becomes full. When
I am finished picking, I bring them into the house and spread them out on
cookie sheets. Just go through the berries and pick off leaf & stems to clean berries up. If
you freeze them on cookie sheets, they will freeze individually. Just putting them in freezer bags causes them to mush together in one big lump. After they are frozen, I put them
in their freezer bags. I do this over a bowl as there are always a few
stragglers that don’t quite make it into the bag. You won’t lose them doing it this way. Then
into the freezer they go for use the whole year long.
Until next time....
Isaiah 17:6
Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the out most fruitful branches thereof, saith the LORD God of Israel.