There seems to be quite a few people that don't use coupons because they are embarrassed to do so. While they may think that there are legitimate reasons to not use coupons, the truth is that they aren't in the least bit embarrassing.
Everyone has reasons for saving money, it could be for emergency fund, retirement, college funds, vacation and the list goes on, because life happens every day.
My grocery bill came to $62.00 and some change. I donated $1.00 to the food bank right in the store. I used my coupons for a savings of $27.45. So I actually spent $34.00 and some change for all of this.

Besides using your savings on yourself and family, you can use your coupon savings toward helping others. Here are some good points or ideas.
You get the ability to support other people in need.
You are able to meet your family obligations without getting into debt.
You are able to support Gods work in the local church and missions abroad.
You have the ability to demonstrate your obedience to God through your finances.
“In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.” (Proverbs 21:20, NIV)
Thats all for now, until next time!